FBTT Travel

About FBTT Travel
FBTT Travel is a full-service company specializing in tour operating and passenger transport in Curaçao. It is the island’s largest inbound tour operator. Every year more than 200,000 guests use the services of FBTT Travel.
FBTT Travel offers several high-quality services:
- Tour operator
- Cruise services
- Tours and activities
- Destination management
The problem: monthly changes take a lot of time
FBTT Travel employs about 70 employees, about half of whom are hourly workers. Hourly wages are employees who are paid based on the actual number of hours worked. These numbers of hours differ every month, which is a lot of input work every month.
The problem is that due to the many changes, the processing of the periodic payroll takes a lot of time. Besides, changing hours every month can have consequences for the social contribution calculations. The AOV / AWW premium includes a discount on the employee’s share for low-wages, the AVBZ premium also has a reduced percentage for low-wagers and the BVZ premium includes an exemption of ANG 1,000 per month. This exemption may apply for one month and not the other month. In short, a laborious payroll with the necessary challenges in the field of social contribution calculations.
The solution: switch to Celery payroll
The solution for FBTT Travel was the switch from payroll4 to Celery. Celery offers the standard option to import periodic mutations such as hours worked, overtime, advances, etc. from an Excel and/or CSV file. Entering these mutations therefore takes a few seconds. Besides, the mutations cannot be entered with the wrong employee. In Payroll4, employees had to be selected 1 by one for entering these mutations, and the mutations had to be entered manually for each employee separately. That took up a lot of time, and mistakes can easily be made.
Celery is also built in such a way that exactly the right premiums are automatically calculated, taking into account the AOV discount, AVBZ reduced rate, and the BVZ exemption. And upon retirement or in December of each year, these social contributions are recalculated and settled on an annual basis.
The result: time and money saved
Regarding the social premiums, FBTT Travel has been shadowing with Celery software and the result is remarkable: with the same number of employees and the same gross wage bill, Celery was more than ANG 2,200 p / m lower in terms of taxes and premiums.
This appears to be mainly caused by the fact that Celery calculates the BVZ and AVBZ premium correctly and according to the law for low-wagers. It also appeared that health insurance premiums were paid for employees who could not be insured under health insurance based on their number of working days per week. Celery checks which social contributions do and do not apply, and even though some contributions are checked, Celery does not apply them based on the settings in the employees. Tax allowances were also wrongly applied in Payroll4, for example, Elderly allowance for an employee under the age of 60. That should not be possible, which is not possible in Celery. Celery checks dates of birth, etc. Because of the latter difference between Celery and Payroll4, the difference in the total taxes and premiums would be even greater than the aforementioned ANG 2,200 per month alone.